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Visitors 155
62 photos

A selection of photographs from Upper Michigan, Wisconsin, South Dakota and Nebraska, shot over the summer months of 2020.
Truck GardenFlood PlanDone For the DayJust a Stop Along the WayInfinte ChoicesPort Austin PierRingsGremlins at the Drive InLofty DreamsForgotten DreamsLeto's PastiesSummer PlacesSummer Place DoorThe PlayhouseThe Road to FayetteFayette Hotel DoorLittle Red WagonThe Doctor is InRed StairSnail Shell Harbor

Categories & Keywords
Category:Travel and Places
Subcategory:North America
Subcategory Detail:United States of America
Keywords:14*, 14*, 2, 20*, 79*, 89*, 9*, Badlands*, Baltic*, Black, Black, Black, Blunt*, Bond, Cathedral, Centennial, Cheese, Chevrolet*, Cottonwood*, Creek*, Cuny, Custer, Dakota*, DeSmet*, Deadwood*, Eagle, Elk, Elk, Elkhorn*, Elkhorn., Elmo*, Engines*, Factory, Falls*, Fayette*, Ford*, Grove*, Gulch*, HIghway*, HJ, Hancock*, Harbor*, Highway, Highway, Highway, Hills*, Hills*, Horsethief, Ignace*, Ingalls, Keweenaw*, Lake, Lake*, Lake*, Laura, Lighthouse*, MN*, Mackinac*, Michigan*, Mickelson, Midland*, Milky, Mine*, Mine*, Minge*, Nebraska*, Needles*, November, Oelrichs*, Ontonagan*, Palmer, Park*, Paulding*, Peak*, Peninsula*, Pfanders, Quincy, Ranch*, Redfern*, Road*, Sand, Schmidt*, Schwanke, September*, South, Spires*, Springfield*, St., St., State, Summit*, Superior*, Sylvan, Table*, Tammy, Trail, Trail, Trail, Trail*, Trail*, Trail*, U.P.*, US, US, Upper, Walnut, Way*, Wilder*, Wilderness*, Willow, Wisconsin*, abandoned*, antique*, astro*, babies*, bales*, bicycle*, bike*, biking*, block*, bluff*, brothel*, cars*, cascade*, center*, children*, church, church*, climb*, copper*, cottage*, creek*, cut-out*, dam*, deserted*, drone*, dusk*, elevator*, exposure*, fall*, family*, feldspar*, field*, flag*, flow*, forest*, friends*, galactic, ghost, grain*, granite*, graze*, grazing*, hay*, hike*, historic*, horse*, house*, interior*, iron*, ledge*, line, machinery*, mavic, mica*, mill*, mining*, motel*, mountains*, night, night*, pasties*, patriotic*, peninsiula*, pickup*, pipe*, prairie*, pro*, rail, rail, ranch*, restoration*, river*, road, road*, rocks*, rural*, sculpture*, search*, short, sky*, small, small, source*, souvenirs*, stars*, statue*, storage*, stream*, structure*, time, to, tour*, tourist*, town*, town*, tractor*, trail*, trip*, truck*, up*, walk*, watchman*, waterfall*, whore